38 x 19 Dekton Trilium One Piece

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Categories: , , SKU: 19DOP3819TR


Please Note: T&T Dekton 38×19 hearths come 8mm thick. When using the 38” hearths (8mm thick), they will need to be used in conjunction with a Fermacell H20 board (12.5mm thick) affixed to the bottom of the hearth so as to comply with UK & ROI building regulations.

Fermacell H20 boards can be affixed to the 8mm hearth using an appropriate heat-proof adhesive.

What is Dekton?

– Dekton is a carbon neutral ultracompact porcelain surface with an optimised manufacturing process inspired by the beauty and aesthetics of natural stone that goes beyond nature, achieving the highest product performance.

– Dekton’s exclusive press generates 25 000 tons of uniform pressure. As a result of this ultra compaction process, Dekton has no micro-defects that cause tensions or weak points, and it has a null porosity.

Dekton Advantages

  • Abrasion Resistant
  • Scratch & Impact Resistant
  • Water & Stain Resistant
  • UV Ray Resistant